
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Graphic Design : What is caricature : To print:

  Research on : Graphic Design: What is caricature A caricature no longer has to be a portrait as it derivation from the Italian caritura
– a likeness which has deliberately exaggerated suggests; while cartoons, including the majority published political or topical .

While we automatically associate the idea of cariture and the cartoon with humour it becomes plain,
When one looks through the vast mass of the available material that most of these designs have only a tenuous connection with the idea of a joke. ie: Hono’re Daumie’rs / emotional impact

What we call a caricature can quite easily be an allegorical or emblematic drawing whose purpose is not to make us smile but to make us think may imply some degree of fantasy or exaggeration “popular idiom”

Plenty of evidence to show that the true definition of caricature: is to be ground, not by examining any particular manner, the artist happens to adopt, but by trying to discover, what kind of audience he has in mind’s eye; in which the study of carricature can be approached: One is theoretical and the other historical ,” physiognomic types”.

The other method traces the development of caricature from the 16th century to the 19th century for historical. Though the caricature and the cartoon are largely similar, slight difference in the way we use these two works eg: Monty Python / animated cartoon and caricature

Puts the emphasis on satire while cartoons merely amusing.
Apparently these different images have one basic thing in common they designed for print,
generally two things popular and public and the print enables it to be both. Print is a special mode of communication It speaks to us privately as individuals yet cheapness of material and rapidity of production make it available to everyone.

To enjoy printed images one doesn’t even have to be able to read and are as universal as music. Making its comment on whatever is going on at the time Importance of print medium is high-lighted by comparing a great painting and a great caricature of course a difference in the actual style of depiction Firstly caricature is genuinely popular the most universal and democratic form of visual art in a modern society.  

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