
Sunday, November 27, 2022

Charcoal art


techniques; ink ; effects 'nov', summary

 In wash, its very important to be able to manipulate the brush correctly its the most important drawing tool for liquid techniques. From light to dark value work is always made from light to dark, tonal additions. vise versa.. to establish from the vary beginning the work areas of the drawing.
This allows you to obtain an exact measure of the gray tones that correspond to each area.
Automatic drawing and doodles random hatching and strokes that the artist makes intuitively and as an exercise in expression. In expression artists usually turn to this technique when they've only a few minutes
to make a note

Monday, September 26, 2022

Vincent Van Gogh / Munch : Artist painter

 Neo-impressionism; "Pointilism" This is an artistic movement that began. Use of brush style and colour. This can be defined in a description; a free brush stroke of impressionism into a cluster of coloured spots of more or less uniform size symetrically arranged according to the theory of colour
and contrast , combination. Another artist seen works in this theory developing it into an art are George Seurat. A play of light using tiny dots.

Vincent Van Gogh : Sower (after millet)

Spring day on Karl Johan : Munch (artist)

George Seurat: oil on canvas Pointillism; use of tiny dots
A Sunday on La Grande Jatte

Friday, August 19, 2022

Assignment :::::: South African flowers Art, "watercolour" ; Pottery Example


Decorating with flowers, pottery,
I love how it fills the art and colours the pottery. Reminds,
of Southern African plants,floral motif.

Decoupage 3D box (blue)

 A box used to store artwork ie: some of my favourite pictures, collecting pictures.